0.0014 |
SELECT * FROM `ejob_banners_group` WHERE `banners_group_status` = 1 ORDER BY `banners_group_id`
0.0014 |
SELECT * FROM `ejob_box_group` WHERE `box_status` = 1
0.0018 |
SELECT * FROM `ejob_products_catalog` WHERE `pc_id` = '15'
0.0024 |
SELECT count(distinct p.products_id) as total_row FROM ejob_products p right join ejob_product_to_catalog ptc on ptc.products_id = p.products_id right join ejob_products_catalog pc on pc.pc_id = ptc.pc_id right join ejob_products_stock ps on ps.ps_id = p.default_ps_id left join ejob_gallery g on g.gallery_id = p.default_gallery_id left join ejob_manufacturers man on man.manufacturers_id = p.manufacturers_id where 1 = 1 AND p.products_status = 1 AND p.products_available_date < now() AND (p.products_auto_off_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR p.products_auto_off_date is null OR p.products_auto_off_date > now()) AND p.is_standard_item=1 AND pc.pc_id = '48'
0.0026 |
SELECT p.products_id ,ptc.pc_id,ptc.pp_sort ,p.ps_desc,p.ps_total_qty , p.products_title,p.products_intro , p.default_ps_id ,( (p.products_available_date < now( ) or p.products_available_date is null ) AND (p.products_auto_off_date > now( ) or p.products_auto_off_date is null or p.products_auto_off_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') ) AS products_is_available ,p.products_added_date, p.products_modified_date,p.products_view_cnt,p.products_type,p.products_url ,p.products_sub_title ,p.products_available_date ,p.products_model,p.products_no, p.products_price,p.products_cost, p.products_is_new, p.products_is_hot, p.products_is_commend,p.products_is_free_shipping, p.products_is_special,p.ps_price_desc ,p.ps_item_cnt ,p.products_special_price ,p.products_url_title ,p.products_sort, p.products_status,p.default_gallery_id ,p.sp_start_datetime, p.sp_end_datetime ,p.shipment_type ,p.enable_products_range_price ,g.gallery_small_img_path,g.gallery_big_img_path ,ps.ps_id,ps.ps_title,ps.ps_type,ps.ps_model,ps.ps_price,ps.ps_is_special,ps.ps_special_price,ps.ps_market_price,ps.ps_single_buy_qty,ps.ps_qty,ps.ps_safe_qty,ps.ps_cost ,ps.ps_gh_item_desc ,ps.ps_group_special_price_desc,ps.ps_group_price_desc,ps.ps_is_addon_item,ps.ps_is_gift_item ,p.is_standard_item ,p.is_activity_item ,p.is_gift_item ,pc.pc_title, pc.pc_url_title,pc.full_pc_id,IF(STRCMP(man.manufacturers_name, 'NA'),man.manufacturers_name,'') as manufacturers_name ,IF(STRCMP(man.manufacturers_brand, 'NA'),man.manufacturers_brand ,'') as manufacturers_brand,man.manufacturers_url FROM ejob_products p left join ejob_gallery g on g.gallery_id = p.default_gallery_id left join ejob_manufacturers man on man.manufacturers_id = p.manufacturers_id , ejob_products_catalog pc , ejob_products_stock ps , ejob_product_to_catalog ptc where 1 = 1 AND p.products_status = 1 and p.products_id = ptc.products_id and pc.pc_id = ptc.pc_id and ps.ps_id = p.default_ps_id AND p.products_available_date < now() AND (p.products_auto_off_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR p.products_auto_off_date is null OR p.products_auto_off_date > now()) AND p.is_standard_item=1 AND pc.pc_id = '48' group by p.products_id order by ptc.pp_sort desc LIMIT 0 , 12
0.0019 |
SELECT * FROM ejob_products_catalog WHERE parent_id = 48 AND pc_status = 1 ORDER BY pc_sort asc
0.0016 |
SELECT * FROM `ejob_products_catalog` WHERE `pc_id` = '48'
0.0013 |
SELECT * FROM `ejob_products_catalog` WHERE `pc_id` = '48'
0.0014 |
SELECT * FROM `ejob_products_catalog` WHERE `pc_id` = '15'
0.0014 |
update ejob_groupbuy_header set gh_status = 0 where gh_status = 1 and ( gh_end_date <> '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND gh_end_date <= now() )
0.0017 |
select gh.*,gti.products_id from ejob_groupbuy_header gh,ejob_groupbuy_to_item gti where gh.gh_id = gti.gh_id and gh.gh_type = 21 and ( gh.gh_start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR gh.gh_start_date <= now() ) and ( gh.gh_end_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR gh.gh_end_date >= now() )
0.0014 |
select * from ejob_expect_shipdate_group esg,ejob_esg_to_product etp where esg.esg_id = etp.esg_id and etp.products_id = '890' and esg.esg_status = 1 AND (esg.esg_msg_start_date <= CURDATE() or esg.esg_msg_start_date = '0000-00-00') AND (esg.esg_msg_end_date >= CURDATE() or esg.esg_msg_end_date = '0000-00-00')
0.0015 |
select * from ejob_expect_shipdate_group esg,ejob_esg_to_product etp where esg.esg_id = etp.esg_id and etp.products_id = '866' and esg.esg_status = 1 AND (esg.esg_msg_start_date <= CURDATE() or esg.esg_msg_start_date = '0000-00-00') AND (esg.esg_msg_end_date >= CURDATE() or esg.esg_msg_end_date = '0000-00-00')
0.0014 |
select * from ejob_expect_shipdate_group esg,ejob_esg_to_product etp where esg.esg_id = etp.esg_id and etp.products_id = '102' and esg.esg_status = 1 AND (esg.esg_msg_start_date <= CURDATE() or esg.esg_msg_start_date = '0000-00-00') AND (esg.esg_msg_end_date >= CURDATE() or esg.esg_msg_end_date = '0000-00-00')
0.0019 |
select * from ejob_expect_shipdate_group esg,ejob_esg_to_product etp where esg.esg_id = etp.esg_id and etp.products_id = '89' and esg.esg_status = 1 AND (esg.esg_msg_start_date <= CURDATE() or esg.esg_msg_start_date = '0000-00-00') AND (esg.esg_msg_end_date >= CURDATE() or esg.esg_msg_end_date = '0000-00-00')
0.0017 |
select * from ejob_expect_shipdate_group esg,ejob_esg_to_product etp where esg.esg_id = etp.esg_id and etp.products_id = '272' and esg.esg_status = 1 AND (esg.esg_msg_start_date <= CURDATE() or esg.esg_msg_start_date = '0000-00-00') AND (esg.esg_msg_end_date >= CURDATE() or esg.esg_msg_end_date = '0000-00-00')
0.0012 |
select * from ejob_expect_shipdate_group esg,ejob_esg_to_product etp where esg.esg_id = etp.esg_id and etp.products_id = '92' and esg.esg_status = 1 AND (esg.esg_msg_start_date <= CURDATE() or esg.esg_msg_start_date = '0000-00-00') AND (esg.esg_msg_end_date >= CURDATE() or esg.esg_msg_end_date = '0000-00-00')
0.0021 |
select * from ejob_expect_shipdate_group esg,ejob_esg_to_product etp where esg.esg_id = etp.esg_id and etp.products_id = '302' and esg.esg_status = 1 AND (esg.esg_msg_start_date <= CURDATE() or esg.esg_msg_start_date = '0000-00-00') AND (esg.esg_msg_end_date >= CURDATE() or esg.esg_msg_end_date = '0000-00-00')
0.0019 |
select * from ejob_expect_shipdate_group esg,ejob_esg_to_product etp where esg.esg_id = etp.esg_id and etp.products_id = '865' and esg.esg_status = 1 AND (esg.esg_msg_start_date <= CURDATE() or esg.esg_msg_start_date = '0000-00-00') AND (esg.esg_msg_end_date >= CURDATE() or esg.esg_msg_end_date = '0000-00-00')
0.0021 |
select * from ejob_expect_shipdate_group esg,ejob_esg_to_product etp where esg.esg_id = etp.esg_id and etp.products_id = '108' and esg.esg_status = 1 AND (esg.esg_msg_start_date <= CURDATE() or esg.esg_msg_start_date = '0000-00-00') AND (esg.esg_msg_end_date >= CURDATE() or esg.esg_msg_end_date = '0000-00-00')
0.0023 |
select * from ejob_groupbuy_header where gh_status = 1 and ( gh_start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR gh_start_date <= now() ) and ( gh_end_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR gh_end_date >= now() ) and gh_enable_mg_ids like '%1%' order by gh_sort asc
0.0015 |
select pc.pc_id,pc.parent_id,pc.root_id,pc.full_pc_id,pc.pc_title,pc.pc_url_title,pc.pc_sort from ejob_products_catalog pc where pc.pc_status = 1 order by pc.pc_sort
0.0020 |
SELECT a.* FROM ejob_articles a,ejob_articles_catalog ac WHERE a.ac_id = ac.ac_id AND a.articles_status = 1 and ac.ac_no = 'A01a' order by articles_sort asc
0.0013 |
SELECT ac.* FROM ejob_articles_catalog ac WHERE ac.ac_no = 'A02' AND ac.ac_status = 1
0.0017 |
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0.0017 |
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0.0018 |
SELECT a.* FROM ejob_articles a,ejob_articles_catalog ac WHERE a.ac_id = ac.ac_id AND a.articles_status = 1 and ac.ac_no = 'C01' order by articles_sort asc
0.0020 |
SELECT a.* FROM ejob_articles a,ejob_articles_catalog ac WHERE a.ac_id = ac.ac_id AND a.articles_status = 1 and ac.ac_no = 'A01a' order by articles_sort asc
0.0015 |
SELECT a.* FROM ejob_articles a,ejob_articles_catalog ac WHERE a.ac_id = ac.ac_id AND a.articles_status = 1 and ac.ac_no = 'B01' order by articles_sort asc
0.0016 |
SELECT a.* FROM ejob_articles a,ejob_articles_catalog ac WHERE a.ac_id = ac.ac_id AND a.articles_status = 1 and ac.ac_no = 'C01' order by articles_sort asc
0.0017 |
SELECT * FROM ejob_banners WHERE 1 = 1 AND banners_group ='home_small_ad_box' AND banners_status ='1' AND (banners_date_scheduled IS NULL OR banners_date_scheduled = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR banners_date_scheduled < now()) AND (banners_expires_date IS NULL OR banners_expires_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR date_add(banners_expires_date, INTERVAL 1 DAY) > now()) ORDER BY RAND() limit 2
0.0019 |
SELECT a.* FROM ejob_articles a,ejob_articles_catalog ac WHERE a.ac_id = ac.ac_id AND a.articles_status = 1 and ac.ac_no = 'A01a' order by articles_sort asc
0.0022 |
SELECT a.* FROM ejob_articles a,ejob_articles_catalog ac WHERE a.ac_id = ac.ac_id AND a.articles_status = 1 and ac.ac_no = 'B01' order by articles_sort asc
0.0017 |
SELECT a.* FROM ejob_articles a,ejob_articles_catalog ac WHERE a.ac_id = ac.ac_id AND a.articles_status = 1 and ac.ac_no = 'C01' order by articles_sort asc
0.0013 |
SELECT * FROM ejob_counter_history where startdate = '20250329'
0.0088 |
UPDATE `ejob_counter_history` SET `counter` = 68, `session_counter` = 40 WHERE `startdate` = '20250329'
0.0014 |
SELECT * FROM ejob_counter limit 1
0.0097 |
UPDATE `ejob_counter` SET `counter` = 20149613, `session_counter` = 7375950 WHERE `startdate` = '20130802'
0.0016 |
DELETE FROM `ejob_whos_online` WHERE `time_last_click` < 1743177963
0.0022 |
select count(*) as total_row from ejob_whos_online where session_id = '1allgnm74rgch25vucng2g0uuj'
0.0022 |
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